Calling all paramedics and firefighters in Northern Ontario. We will be travelling to the following locations on Sep 19 – Sep 25:
Temiskaming Shores Emergency Medical Services
Timmins – Northern College
Greater Sudbury Fire & Paramedic Services
If you are an interested firefighter (volunteer or professional) or paramedic, please email
We are recruiting emergency workers (paramedics and firefighters) for fit testing at Centennial College (Morningside Campus) and University of Toronto (St. George Campus).
We are also looking to travel to paramedic and firefighter services in Ontario willing to host our research team for testing. If you are a service interested in hosting our fit testing study, or a paramedic/firefighter interested in fit testing at one of the above locations, please reach out to
We may be travelling to a service near you! Stay tuned for upcoming travel dates to your region.
Thank you to the paramedic services who have hosted our study:
Cochrane District Emergency Medical Services Cornwall SDG Paramedic Services Frontenac Paramedic Services Greater Sudbury Paramedic Services Halton Paramedic Services Lennox and Addington County Paramedic Services Ottawa Paramedic Services Simcoe County Paramedic Services Timiskaming Emergency Medical Services
Thank you to the fire services who have hosted our study:
Borden Fire Department Brantford Fire Services Cobourg Fire Department Duoro Dummer Fire Services Greater Sudbury Fire Services Guelph-Eramosa Fire Services Ottawa Fire Services
Emergency workers (paramedics and firefighters) are at risk of exposure to bioaerosols. Respirators are often the only protection available against bioaerosols for workers providing emergency care. However, little is known about how well respirators fit during patient-handling and life support tasks and the exercises used in the standard respirator fit testing protocol may not reflect the movements performed by workers in their job.
We aim to recruit 200 Ontario paramedics or firefighters to determine how well respirators fit during patient handling and life support tasks that may break the seal between the respirator and face. Information from this study can help to ensure paramedics and firefighters are provided with adequate respiratory protection.
Study FAQ
Contact the study coordinator, Rachel Tyli (, or principal investigator, Tracy Kirkham (
Project Summary Page Study FAQ