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Showing 1 - 85 of 85 results

In the News: Asbestos revealed as Canada’s top cause of workplace death
In the News: Asbestos revealed as Canada’s top cause of workplace death

The Globe and Mail has published an article showing that asbestos exposure is the single largest cause of compensated workplace death claims.

Radon in homes, schools, and workplaces: CELA finds legal protections lacking
Radon in homes, schools, and workplaces: CELA finds legal protections lacking

The Canadian Environmental Law Association concludes that Canadians need better legal protection from radon gas, a known carcinogen.

IARC Monograph 111: Some nanomaterials and some fibres
IARC Monograph 111: Some nanomaterials and some fibres

IARC recently evaluated the carcinogenicity of fluoro-edenite, silicon carbide fibres and whiskers, and carbon nanotubes.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Read a blog post by Dr. Paul Demers about workplace exposures that can cause lung cancer.

IARC announces two upcoming meetings on the carcinogenicity of certain pesticides
IARC announces two upcoming meetings on the carcinogenicity of certain pesticides

The International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) Monograph Program evaluates the carcinogenicity of various agents to humans. IARC has…

Staying safe in the sun
Staying safe in the sun

Dr. Thomas Tenkate of Ryerson University, and Dr. Desre Kramer of OCRC teamed up to write a blog post on sun safety for Cancer Care Ontario’s internal website.

IARC Monographs Volume 110: evaluation of five chemicals
IARC Monographs Volume 110: evaluation of five chemicals

The International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) Monograph Progam evaluates substances, agents, and exposure circumstances on their carcinogenicity to…

No Safe Use
No Safe Use

The health impact of asbestos mining in Canada is highlighted in two recent media stories.

2014 National Day of Mourning
2014 National Day of Mourning

On Monday, April 28, 2014, the National Day of Mourning commemorated workers who have been killed, injured, or fallen sick…

IARC World Cancer Report 2014 – Effective prevention measures urgently needed
IARC World Cancer Report 2014 – Effective prevention measures urgently needed

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has published a report that describes many aspects of cancer research and control.